Understanding what makes us unique is critical to finding personal fulfillment.
The Big Five personality traits are not just labels, they are keys to unlocking our potential. They shape our actions and understanding them can empower us on a journey of self-improvement.
This first article in our Big Five series will explain the five traits and get you started with a Big Five test of your own.
What are the Big Five Personality Traits?
Understanding the Big Five Personality Traits is like being handed a compass to navigate human personality. It reassures us that we’re not alone in our quirks and emotional patterns.
We can use an understanding of these traits to navigate life’s challenges more effectively, build stronger relationships, and foster a community of support and understanding.
Here are five ways that knowing your Big Five can help you grow:
- Expanding openness helps you to consider new ideas,
- Unpacking conscientiousness helps you to understand your work style,
- Embracing extraversion helps you to choose social interaction that works for you,
- Cultivating agreeableness helps you to get along with others, and
- Calming neuroticism helps you to increase your emotional stability.
Let’s embrace this journey of self-discovery together. Throughout this series, we’ll learn to embrace personality differences with compassion, curiosity, and confidence.
Now, let’s explore each trait and its impact on our personal fulfillment.

How Can Knowing My Big Five Personality Traits Benefit Me?
Understanding the Big Five Personality Traits is not just an intellectual exercise; it’s a practical tool. It can help us navigate life’s challenges, build stronger relationships, and foster a community of support and understanding.
Here are five ways that knowing your Big Five can help you grow:
- Expanding openness helps you to consider new ideas,
- Unpacking conscientiousness helps you to understand your work style,
- Embracing extraversion helps you to choose social interaction that works for you,
- Cultivating agreeableness helps you to get along with others, and
- Calming neuroticism helps you to increase your emotional stability.
Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery together. Throughout this series, we’ll learn to embrace personality differences with compassion, curiosity, and confidence. Your active participation is key to making the most of this learning experience.
Now, let’s explore each trait and its impact on our personal fulfillment.
1. Expanding Openness
Openness influences how we perceive the world. It is characterized by a vivid imagination, intellectual curiosity, and a willingness to explore new ideas.
People scoring high in Openness tend to be adventurous, creative, and open to new experiences. This often leads them to pursue life paths filled with innovation and exploration.
Those lower in Openness prefer routine. They show skepticism towards change and stick to familiar territories.
Understanding where you fall on the Openness personality trait spectrum can guide your life decisions. For example, high levels of Openness could lead to successful careers in art and science, where creativity and innovation are prized.

2. Unpacking Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness (con-she-en-shus-ness) describes a person’s self-discipline, organization, and goal-directed behaviors.
Highly conscientious people excel in planning and dependability. They are often successful due to their persistence and meticulous attention to detail.
People with lower scores in Conscientiousness thrive in more flexible settings that allow for spontaneity and adaptability.
Assessing your level of the Conscientiousness personality trait can provide valuable insights into your work style and preferences. You can use this understanding to find roles or environments that align with your natural tendencies.

3. Embracing Extraversion
Extraversion is characterized by sociability, emotional expressiveness, and an energetic approach to life.
Extroverts gain energy from social interactions. Their opposites, introverts, find solitude rejuvenating.
Recognizing your position on the Extraversion scale can help you to tailor your life to suit your energy needs. Extroverts might find fulfillment in roles that involve teamwork and communication. Introverts may prefer careers that allow for independent work.

4. Cultivating Agreeableness
Agreeableness reflects people’s preference for cooperation, trust, and empathy.
Highly agreeable people excel in team settings and have strong interpersonal relationships. Their desire for harmony and understanding drives them.
Those less agreeable may be more competitive or challenging, pushing innovation and change.
Knowing your level of the Agreeableness personality trait allows you to identify ways to strengthen your relationships.

5. Calming Neuroticism
Neuroticism (new-rot-i-sism) reveals your tendency towards emotional instability, anxiety, and mood swings.
High scorers may experience stress and negative emotions more intensely, whereas low scorers typically exhibit more emotional resilience.
Understanding your level of the Neuroticism personality trait is crucial to developing effective coping mechanisms and mindfulness practices. Self-awareness can help people pursue fulfilling lives despite inherent emotional sensitivities.

Now that we’ve learned the five personality traits of the OCEAN model, let’s find out how to get our own Big Five scores.
How Do I Find Out My Big Five Personality Traits?
You can take a free test at Truity.com.
Exploring your primary traits within the Big Five is a huge step toward understanding yourself!
By taking the Big Five test, you’ll gain a clear picture of your own unique personality. Whether you’re curious about one particular trait or all of them, this test is a great first step. It’s free, so why not take the plunge and discover more about yourself today?
My Big Five Test Results
Yes, I really do practice what I preach!
I took the Big Five Personality Test at Truity in March 2024.
The scores are given in the range of 0 to 100. Here are mine:
- Openness: 77 (To me, anything is possible!)
- Conscientiousness: 52 (I can make a list… or not. It could go either way, depending on my mood.)
- Extraversion: 27 (Yes, I am super introverted. I am content to go days without seeing another person.)
- Agreeableness: 67 (I firmly believe we get more done with better outcomes by working together.)
- Neuroticism: 19 (I am particularly proud of this low score. I used to be very anxious and reactive and have worked hard to grow away from that.)

What Else Should I Know About the Big Five Personality Traits?
Are the Five Traits the Same Across Cultures?
The Big Five personality traits are consistent for everyone around the world.
Research shows that while the core traits are universal, the way they show up can vary culturally. (McCrae & Terracciano, 2005). Understanding these differences helps build better cross-cultural relationships and personal growth.
Are the Big Five Personality Traits Fixed?
The Big Five personality traits can change over time. They can shift because of events in our lives or because we work on improving ourselves. (Rantanen et al., 2007).
This flexibility lets us evolve our personalities and grow as individuals.
What are Some Alternatives to the Big Five Personality Traits?
While the Big Five is an incredible tool to measure personality and understand ourselves better, it’s not the only one out there.
There are several ways to measure personality. Each has its pros and cons.
I took four personality tests at Truity in March 2024 to see how they compared to others I’ve taken.
I’ll tell you more about these three alternatives later:
- 16 Personalities (Meyers-Briggs’)
- Enneagram
Some of these might click with you more than others, giving you different perspectives on what makes you uniquely you.
Whether you’re searching for a fresh angle on your personality or curious about what else is out there, these tests might offer precisely what you need.
Wrapping Up
The Big Five personality traits help us know ourselves better and make informed choices that fit who we are. By looking into these traits, you can find ways to use your strengths and get closer to living your dream life.
Keep an eye out for more articles that will talk more about each of the Big Five traits. They’ll give you helpful tips and advice on how to use your personality to live a happier life.
Articles in the Big Five Series
Openness to Experience
- How to Open Up to Growth: Nurturing Your Openness Personality Trait
- What is Openness? A Deep Dive into the Big Five Personality OCEAN
- How to Become More Open: Simple Steps to Start
- Openness Examples: How Openness Affects the Six Pillars of Your Life
Coming Soon: Conscientiousness
Coming Soon: Extraversion
Coming Soon: Agreeableness
Coming Soon: Neuroticism
- McCrae, R. R., & Terracciano, A. (2005). Universal features of personality traits from the observer’s perspective: Data from 50 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), 547-561.
- RANTANEN, J., METSÄPELTO, L., FELDT, T., PULKKINEN, L., & KOKKO, K. (2007). Long-term stability in the Big Five personality traits in adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48(6), 511-518.