Feel-Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal: Book Summary & Notes
In Feel-Good Productivity, Ali Abdaal presents a series of 18 research-backed productivity tools; each presented with insight into why it was meaningful to him on his journey.
In Feel-Good Productivity, Ali Abdaal presents a series of 18 research-backed productivity tools; each presented with insight into why it was meaningful to him on his journey.
The key to breaking free of apathy begins with setting meaningful goals. Learn how to set DUMB goals, an easy-to-follow goal-setting method and get started.
Are you wondering “What should I do with my life?” With just a little bit of reflection, finding your way doesn’t have to be so difficult.
Ready to take your life to the next level? Level 10 Life is an innovative way to assess and improve all areas of your life. Hal Elrod created this easy-to-use system for his book, The Miracle Morning. This activity helps you rate the areas of your life, set goals for each area, and track your progress as you work towards a better life.