Are you living the life of your dreams?
Feeling like there’s room for improvement in certain areas of your life but not sure where to begin?
Try our version of the Level 10 Life exercise — our free printable worksheet helps you take stock of the current state of your life and set achievable goals for achieving maximum satisfaction.
This easy-to-use worksheet starts with creating a vision of your life at its absolute best—your Level 10. Then, rate each section of your current life—think health, relationships, career, finances—from 1-10.
Based on the results of this assessment, you can identify areas that need improvement and set goals accordingly. Our Level 10 Life free printable worksheet is designed to help you stay on track with your ambitions and spur progress in your journey to living life at Level 10.
For more guidance on completing this exercise, check out our article: How to Build Your Level 10 Life.